Commutator For Automobile

I-NIDE igxile ekuboneleleni ngesithuthi sokuhamba ngemoto ngaphezulu kweminyaka eli-10. Sinokuvelisa ngaphezu kwe-1200 iintlobo ezahlukeneyo ze-motor stator kunye ne-armature rotor brush commutator, kuquka uhlobo lwe-hook, uhlobo lokunyuka, uhlobo lweqokobhe, uhlobo lweplana, ukusuka kwi-OD 4mm ukuya kwi-OD 150mm kwaye sinobuchwephesha kwi-commutator yokuvelisa iminyaka emininzi.

I-Commutator ye-Automobile isetyenziselwa ukuhambisa isixhobo soMbane, umatshini wokusika umatshini wokuhambisa, isando sombane sokuhamba, i-electric pick commutator, ipompo yepetroli yemoto yokuhamba ngemoto, i-motor wiper motor commutator, ifestile yemoto yefestile yemoto, uMlawuli we-jack motor commutator.

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Custom imoto fan motor slot commutator Kuba imoto

Custom imoto fan motor slot commutator Kuba imoto

I-NIDE inokubonelela ngaphezu kwe-1,200 yeemoto ezahlukeneyo zokutshintshwa. Sele sisenza ii-commutators iminyaka engaphezu kweshumi kwaye sinokubonelela abathengi ngamaxabiso akhuphisanayo kunye nabahambisi abakumgangatho ophezulu.Wamkelekile ukuthenga isihambisi semoto yemoto ye-Motor slot commutator yemoto evela kuthi. Zonke izicelo ezivela kubathengi ziphendulwa kwiiyure ezingama-24.

Funda ngokugqithisileyoThumela uMbuzo
IsiGaba esiThathu se-Self Armature Commutator ye-Automobile

IsiGaba esiThathu se-Self Armature Commutator ye-Automobile

I-NIDE inokubonelela ngaphezu kwe-1,200 yeemoto ezahlukeneyo zokutshintshwa. Senze ii-commutators iminyaka engaphezu kweshumi kwaye sinokubonelela abathengi ngamaxabiso akhuphisanayo kunye nabahambi abakumgangatho ophezulu.Wamkelekile ukuthenga iSigaba esiThathu se-Self Armature Commutator ye-Automobile kuthi. Zonke izicelo ezivela kubathengi ziphendulwa kwiiyure ezingama-24.

Funda ngokugqithisileyoThumela uMbuzo
Car Motor Part Starter Armature Commutator For Automobile

Car Motor Part Starter Armature Commutator For Automobile

I-NIDE inokubonelela ngaphezu kwe-1,200 yeemoto ezahlukeneyo zokutshintshwa. Senze ii-commutators iminyaka engaphezu kweshumi kwaye sinokubonelela abathengi ngamaxabiso akhuphisanayo kunye nabahambi abakumgangatho ophezulu.Wamkelekile ukuthenga iCar Motor Part Starter Armature Commutator ye-Automobile evela kuthi. Zonke izicelo ezivela kubathengi ziphendulwa kwiiyure ezingama-24.

Funda ngokugqithisileyoThumela uMbuzo
Car Fuel Pump Commutator 20.5x5x6.6 For Automobile

Car Fuel Pump Commutator 20.5x5x6.6 For Automobile

Le Car Fuel Pump Commutator 20.5x5x6.6 For Automobile ilungele Automobile motors. I-NIDE ibandakanyeka kuyilo, uphuhliso, kunye nemveliso ye-slot, i-hook, kunye ne-planar commutators (abaqokeleli) kwiimoto ze-DC kunye neenjini zendalo yonke. Kwaye inokubonelela ngeentlobo ezahlukeneyo zabakhweli beemoto ngokweemfuno zabathengi. Sinenkqubo epheleleyo yoqinisekiso lomgangatho kunye nenkqubo yolawulo loshishino oluphezulu. Oku kulandelayo sintshayelelo kwi-Car Fuel Pump Commutator 20.5x5x6.6 KwiMoto, ndiyathemba ukukunceda uyiqonde ngcono.

Funda ngokugqithisileyoThumela uMbuzo
8P imoto wiper motor commutator For Automobile

8P imoto wiper motor commutator For Automobile

Le moto ye-8P yokucima i-motor commutator ye-Automobile ifanelekile kwiiMoto zeMoto. I-NIDE ibandakanyeka kuyilo, uphuhliso, kunye nemveliso ye-slot, i-hook, kunye ne-planar commutators (abaqokeleli) kwiimoto ze-DC kunye neenjini zendalo yonke. Kwaye inokubonelela ngeentlobo ezahlukeneyo zabakhweli beemoto ngokweemfuno zabathengi. Sinenkqubo epheleleyo yoqinisekiso lomgangatho kunye nenkqubo yolawulo lweshishini oluphambili.Oku kulandelayo sisingeniso kwi-8P imoto wiper motor commutator ye-Automobile, ndiyathemba ukukunceda ukuba uyiqonde ngcono.

Funda ngokugqithisileyoThumela uMbuzo
12P Water Pump DC Motor Commutator For Automobile

12P Water Pump DC Motor Commutator For Automobile

Le 12P Water Pump DC Motor Commutator ifanelekile Automobile motors. I-NIDE ibandakanyeka kuyilo, uphuhliso, kunye nemveliso ye-slot, i-hook, kunye ne-planar commutators (abaqokeleli) kwiimoto ze-DC kunye neenjini zendalo yonke. Kwaye inokubonelela ngeentlobo ezahlukeneyo zabakhweli beemoto ngokweemfuno zabathengi. Sinenkqubo epheleleyo yoqinisekiso lomgangatho kunye nenkqubo yolawulo lweshishini ephucukileyo.Oku kulandelayo sintshayelelo kwi-12P Water Pump DC Motor Commutator For Automobile, ndiyathemba ukukunceda uyiqonde ngcono.

Funda ngokugqithisileyoThumela uMbuzo
Commutator For Automobile eyenziwe eTshayina lolunye uhlobo lweemveliso ezivela kumzi-mveliso wakwaNide. Njengobuchwephesha be-Commutator For Automobile Abavelisi kunye nabaBoneleli eTshayina, kwaye sinokubonelela ngenkonzo elungiselelweyo ye- Commutator For Automobile. Iimveliso zethu ziqinisekisiwe ngeCE. Ngethuba nje ufuna ukwazi iimveliso, sinokukunika ixabiso elanelisayo ngokucwangcisa. Ukuba uyafuna, sikwabonelela ngekowuteshini.
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